Operating Modes
All three operating modes are possible with the measuring tool in horizontal and vertical position.

Rotational operation
Rotational operation is especially recommended when using the laser receiver. It is possible to select between different rotational speeds.

Line operation
In this operating mode, the variable laser beam moves within a defined aperture angle. This increases the visibility of the laser beam in comparison to rotational operation. You can select between different aperture angles.

Point operation
In this operating mode, the best visibility of the variable laser beam can be reached. For example, it is used to easily project heights or to check building lines.
Line and point operation are not suitable for use with the laser receiver (30).
Each time after switching on, the measuring tool is in rotational operation mode with standard rotational speed (300 min−1).
To switch from line operation to rotational operation, press the rotational operation button (5) or the rotational operation button (20) on the remote control.
To change the rotational speed, press the rotational operation button (5) or rotational operation button (20) on the remote control until the required speed is reached.
When working with the laser receiver, the highest rotational speed should be set. When not working with the laser receiver, reduce the rotational speed for improved visibility of the laser beam and use the laser googles (40).
To switch to line or point operation, press the line operation button (11) or the line operation button (21) on the remote control.
The measuring tool switches to line operation with the smallest aperture angle.
To change the aperture angle, press the line operation button (11) or the line operation button (21) on the remote control until the required operating mode is achieved. The aperture angle is gradually increased each time it is pressed; at the same time, the rotational speed is increased with each setting.
After the largest aperture angle, the measuring tool switches to point operation after brief post-pulsation. Pressing the line operation button (11) again takes you back to line operation with the smallest aperture angle.
Note: Due to inertia, it is possible for the laser to slightly move beyond the end point of the laser line.